
Fàilte chridheil chàirdeil oirbh! Welcome to the Dòrlach website

(dòrlach – noun masc. /t̪ɔːrˠl̪ˠəx/ handful, bundle, good deal, considerable quantity or number)

Lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsear! (Follow closely to the repute of your ancestors) Dòrlach is a Scottish micro-charity which seeks to encourage the building of intercultural solidarity across minoritised peoples worldwide and a return to indigenous practice in Gaelic Scotland.

Feel free to follow us on all the usual Social media channels @DorlachAlba and if you feel able to contribute to our work, please do so via the donation buttons at the bottom.

With support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.


A musical collaboration between Yt DiNGO and Àdhamh Ó Broin.

This is a new collaboration between our convener Àdhamh Ó Broin and talented Australian musician Yt DiNGO. The music video is out now and is available to buy. Yt DiNGO will donate 50% of the profits of the sale to Dòrlach.

A Forgotten Gaeldom

A new monthly blog sharing extracts from the diaries of Dàibhidh MacLeòid, great-grand-uncle of Dòrlach convenor Àdhamh MacLeòid Ó Broin, spanning the period 1874-1892 in the Parish of Latheron, Caithness. Beginning on the 148th anniversary of the writing of the diaries, the blog also contains supplementary information on genealogy, local history and the Gaelic dialect of Latheron Parish and surrounding area.

Silent Auction

We are auctioning this lovely painting by the very talented artist and rancher Brad Phares entitled An Gàidheal (The Gael). We asked Brad to paint a picture of the anonymous Gael in our logo.  We hope it isn’t too obvious who our model was!

Submit your bids to: rop@dorlach.scot
Minimum bid £200 – please put the amount you want to bid in the subject line. Bidding will close some time in the New Year.

2 weeks ago

BOTHAN DHÙN ÉIDINN – 2024/05/31Tha sinn air son ar taing mhór a thairgse do Bhothan Dhùn Éidinn agas iad air an cothrom a thoirt seachad dhuinn a bhith an lathair aig cuirm na ceann-bliana 21 aca o chionn ghoirid!We are for offering our big thanks to @Bothan Dhùn Èideann (The Edinburgh Bothy) Gaelic social club for the opportunity to be present at their 21st birthday party recently!Thug Àdhamh seachad sgial à Latharn an Gallaibh ann an cainnt an àite, math dh’fhaoidte a’ chiad uair a chaidh seo a dhianamh bho chionn ciad bliana.Àdhamh dished out a story from Latheron Parish in Caithness in local dialect, perhaps the first time this has been done in a century.Mealaibh ur naigheachd, a Bhothain – guma fada beò sibh!Enjoy your news (congrats), Bothan – long may you live (ie continue on)!#Gàidhlig #Gaelic #Scottishgaelic #Dùthchasach #Tùsanach #Indigenous #Cleachdi #Alba #Scotland #Gàidhealtachd #Highlands #Gàidheal #Gael #Gaels #Highlander #Highlanders #ÀdhamhÓBroin #Carthannas #Charity #Clan See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

A’ mhìos seo chaidh, chaidh sinn a Latharn ann an Gallaibh air son Diomag fhaicinn a-rithist, am fear mu dhéireadh aig a bheil cuimhne air Gàilig na sgìre nuair a bha e òg. Agas an turas seo mu dhéireadh thall, reinn sinn dealbh dheth a’ dol air feadh Srath Latharn a’ Phuill ‘s Srath Dhùn Bheitheamh. ’S e tobar eòlais, sgeulachdan ‘s fhaclan san dualchainnt chaillte a th’ ann an Diomag a bha iongantach fhaicinn.Last month, we went to Latharan in Caithness to see Jimmag Black again, the last man to remember the Caithness Gaelic from when he was young. And this time we finally got to filming him going around the Straths of Latheron and Dunbeath. He’s a fountain of knowledge, stories and words from the lost local dialect which was wonderful to witness.#Gàidhlig #Gaelic #Scottishgaelic #Dùthchasach #Tùsanach #Indigenous #Cleachdi #Alba #Scotland #Gàidhealtachd #Highlands #Gàidheal #Gael #Gaels #Highlander #Highlanders #Carthannas #Charity #ÀdhamhÓBroin #Clan #Clearences #Fuadaichean #Cataibh #Sutherland #Gallaibh #Caithness #Feildwork #ObairLàraich See MoreSee Less
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Thank you

Le gach beannachd air an àm,

– Dòrlach

Dòrlach is Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC05016